It wasn’t a promising start to the day (again !), at my ‘get up’ time of 6-30 a.m. it was raining, and very cloudy, so I turned over, and listened to another hour of Aled Jones on the radio, before surfacing at 7-30 a.m., intent on carrying out my plans for an epic day on Britain's highest mountain – Ben Nevis, 1344 mts high, and I was starting out at 10 mts above sea level, so would have to climb the entire height !
I set off just before 8-45 a.m., by which time the rain had stopped (well, the heavy stuff had) and it was cloudy,misty – a usual day on Ben Nevis ! I had not even got off the campsite before I had to put my Gore-Tex jacket on, the rain spattering down, thankfully still quite warm though.
There were some hardy souls already on the trail above me, not many though, looked like I would have a quiet walk up and around. I quickly gained height, having gone up next to the Scottish Youth Hostel on the ‘hard,but quick 'route ! and was soon war, then hot,then hotter and sweltering under my jacket, it was wet outside, and wet inside, I didn’t know whether it was rain or sweat dripping off my hair,and nose !
I kept on and upwards, eventually at 625 mts reaching the point where I had intended deviating from the normal trail, to go across the valley, across a stream, and climb some other mountains behind Ben Nevis, and eventually work my way round on a knife edge arête’ and up to the summit of Ben Nevis (Wally's Commando route, where she got me avalanched some years ago !). However because it was so wet,cloudy and generally yucky I regretfully decided to climb by the normal route, and come back soon for the other route on a clear day,as it has great views of the North Face of Ben Nevis-which I wouldn’t be able to see today….
So, onwards and upwards trudging my way upwards, sometimes overtaking people, sometimes being overtaken, but generally keeping a similar rate of climb as most people.
Only a few hundred metres higher, the cloud did start to lift, as the rain stopped, but visibility was still generally poor, but good in patches, with views opening up beneath me ,as I neared the summit plateau.
I arrived at the top a few minutes before 12, pleased with my speed and ‘fitness’ !and joined those others also at the top.
I still couldn’t see the route I had hoped to climb, although whilst I was at the top the mist started to clear more, with views fleetingly appearing below and around me…
I had my full flask of Ribena, whilst tucking into my butties, and drinking in the views all around, and then started the long drop into the valley below – I’d forgotten how hard and long the descent was…but my knees reminded me ! and as I got lower down the sun put in an appearance…hurrah !
It didn’t help the old knees though , and I kept bouncing down the long long long path, by this time stripping off my jacket, and burning in the hot sunshine…
Eventually I was back at Glen Nevis campsite, basking in the hot sunshine…and time to do the washing so I’m all clear before I go to Skye tomorrow…here’s hoping for some decent weather (don’t hold your breath though !)
And now ? Sunday dinner,beer,wine and puds…at the nearby Glen Nevis Restaurant ( I have seen the Scottish ‘high tea’ advertised !)….and probably an early night !
have fun everyone,and enjoy YOUR sunshine…Skye may be poor for ‘t’internet,so you may have to wait a while for any updates !
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