
Welcome to my 2011 follow up to the hugely successful blog of 'Jotown and Wally on the road'.

Here you'll be able to follow my quiet 'lifestyle',as I wander around the highways,byways,mountains and trails of Europe, in my van affectionately called 'Wally', or further afield using metal wings !

If I'm around where you are, and you want me to call - or visit me...just let me know ..

You can follow my adventures and keep in touch by posting messages whilst I am travelling.

For those of you who are returning for the second season then I expect more messages than in 2010....... this year there is a counter of page views at the foot of the page, so I will be watching.....!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Dreaming Spires, and Academia, before snowy Derbyshire


Together with Zoe’ who was to be my ‘guide for the day’ We set off fairly early driving the short distance to the Park and Ride area, and leaving the car there travelled into Oxford town centre itself. Again the weather was damp,drizzly, and generally miserable !

So, as we wondered where it would be best to go, in the rain, we thought a bus journey would be good, so http://www.oxfordcityguide.com/TouristInfo/CityTours.html that’s exactly what we did, and ,in the dry, viewed the sights of Oxford… eventually being deposited outside the Ashmolean museum http://www.ashmolean.org/, and into this great museum, where we spent hours and hours viewing all the differing exhibits from around the world…

however, eventually we had to eat, and lunched in the spectacular Dining Room http://www.ashmolean.org/eating/#sect1, and after a great lunch slowly made our way back home, to Zoe’s… although I did have the start of a cold coming on, and decided I would travel home that night, for my own bed, expecting t be laid up for a couple of days…life on the Road was taking it’s toll !

I set off early evening for the cross country journey, initially doing quite well, but as I travelled across the lanes and hills  of Derbyshire, I wondered why it had suddenly become brighter..Snow ! and lots of it, freshly fallen, and glistening in my headlights…gingerly I continued across the high tops, and as I neared home, things started to go black again, the snow had retreated, leaving me to finish my journey, once again….Home !

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