
Welcome to my 2011 follow up to the hugely successful blog of 'Jotown and Wally on the road'.

Here you'll be able to follow my quiet 'lifestyle',as I wander around the highways,byways,mountains and trails of Europe, in my van affectionately called 'Wally', or further afield using metal wings !

If I'm around where you are, and you want me to call - or visit me...just let me know ..

You can follow my adventures and keep in touch by posting messages whilst I am travelling.

For those of you who are returning for the second season then I expect more messages than in 2010....... this year there is a counter of page views at the foot of the page, so I will be watching.....!

Friday, 7 January 2011

Dreaming Spires, and Academia, before snowy Derbyshire


Together with Zoe’ who was to be my ‘guide for the day’ We set off fairly early driving the short distance to the Park and Ride area, and leaving the car there travelled into Oxford town centre itself. Again the weather was damp,drizzly, and generally miserable !

So, as we wondered where it would be best to go, in the rain, we thought a bus journey would be good, so http://www.oxfordcityguide.com/TouristInfo/CityTours.html that’s exactly what we did, and ,in the dry, viewed the sights of Oxford… eventually being deposited outside the Ashmolean museum http://www.ashmolean.org/, and into this great museum, where we spent hours and hours viewing all the differing exhibits from around the world…

however, eventually we had to eat, and lunched in the spectacular Dining Room http://www.ashmolean.org/eating/#sect1, and after a great lunch slowly made our way back home, to Zoe’s… although I did have the start of a cold coming on, and decided I would travel home that night, for my own bed, expecting t be laid up for a couple of days…life on the Road was taking it’s toll !

I set off early evening for the cross country journey, initially doing quite well, but as I travelled across the lanes and hills  of Derbyshire, I wondered why it had suddenly become brighter..Snow ! and lots of it, freshly fallen, and glistening in my headlights…gingerly I continued across the high tops, and as I neared home, things started to go black again, the snow had retreated, leaving me to finish my journey, once again….Home !

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Across to the Dreaming Spires..


A nice cup of tea in bed from Hayley, as she left early for work, leaving me (and Rupert) to have a leisurely lie in, before breakfasting and setting out to travel to Witney,Oxford, Zoe’s home and my next ‘port of call’

The rain was heavy as I trundled out of Southampton, slowly heading North, and into brighter weather, Thank goodness !

I arrived mid afternoon, and after a walk with Bella the dog, we found a curry house for the nights food, although when we got there it was ‘shut’ – No water, and so had to settle for a takeaway, ordered by phone, luxury !

Then Zoe’ graciously gave me her bed for the night, whilst she slept with the parrot !

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Along the Jurassic Coast


Today I was to travel from Brixham to Hayley and Rupert’s new house in Southampton.

I had looked to see what may be in the area, and saw the Jurassic Coast would be on my route of travel, so had decided to call in at Lyme Regis, Charmouth, and anywhere else I fancied http://www.jurassiccoast.com/ I wasn’t to be disappointed, although once again, the weather could have been kinder.

It was again a dismal dark day, as I travelled along the Devon coastline, with a dank sea mist rolling in, across the top of the foaming waves.

Lyme Regis http://www.lymeregis.com/ was quaint, and Charmouth beach wild and windy http://www.charmouth.org/ with the cliffs being constantly eroded, and falling down, revealing the many hidden contents of many years ago. A great place I’m sure – if the sun was shining !

Having visited the Jurassic coast, and not having made any major discoveries, I carried on and into Southampton… passing the docks, and seeing all the cruise ships lined up alongside the dock area http://www.southamptonvts.co.uk/pinfo.htm I had never realised how long and tall some of these great vessels were !

I didn’t stay around for lng, eventually finding my way to my destination for the night – Hayley and Rupert’s home.

I had timed it well, Rupert just arriving home from work, followed not long later by Hayley, with the ‘guided tour’ of the house, and their proposals for the future fully outlined , great plans, and a nice cosy house.

A lovely meal followed by an evening chatting in front of the coal fire, and being given the cosy bed, in front of the fire in the lounge, great !

Monday, 3 January 2011

Breezy Day on Berry Head


After a leisurely breakfast, I set off for a wander around Brixham, and decided to go up around Berry Head http://www.berryhead.org.uk/ a windswept cliff face and area. I had looked forward to an early lunch at the cafe/visitor centre….which was closed ! Ah well, good for the diet, as I meandered around the Napoleonic Hill forts and cliffs area, watching the various types of sea birds swooping and squirming over the cliffs.

The rain had gone, although it was quite breezy on the tops, so I kept moving to stay warm.

Eventually finishing my explores, and after a sandwich lunch in Brixham, I got the bus back to Dots for the night.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Dismal….It’s January, in Devon !


To say it was a damp start to the day,and year, is an understatement !

It was lashing down with rain, as we arrived in the centre of Brixham for Sunday morning Church services.

I went to mass at Our Lady Star of the Sea, whilst Dot went, and opened up her church, Fore Street Methodist.

I then ended up waiting in the rain for Dot’s service to finish, as it had started later than mine, and as I pondered life – and the remnants of society wandering around Brixham http://www.brixham.com/ on a rainy Sunday morning, it seemed fairly dismal –although I think it’s better in the summer !

Having done the important things, we got the papers, and went home…for some grub ! Papers reading was only disturbed b Rupert,sailor that he is… ringing up to take me out on the River Dart,sailing in the Rain ! – I politely declined, and continued reading the papers !

In the evening me and Dot returned to her church for a Taize’ evening service, good job we did, that doubled the numbers there ! So I had to lead the singing, and pretend I knew them ! Not sure I did them justice, but it’s the taking part that’s important http://www.taize.fr/en

Then it was back to Dot’s for a proper Roast Dinner,wine and an early night ..

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Starting the Year….early !


What a start to the New Year, 2011 !

Dot had been visiting for Christmas, and demanded she be taken home, so that’s a ‘quick trip’ from Derbyshire ,down to Brixham .…and an early start, good job I’d had a quiet start to the year, although I had seen the New Year in whilst stood at ‘Twenty Trees’ (guess how many of them there are?) , drinking mulled wine,provided by the local Vicar Hilary (thanks), and eating mince pies,with some payers, whilst we watched the Chinese Lanterns floating over the hills of our village.

So back to the drive down south,the roads being (not surprisingly) quiet…and arriving in Brixham by mid afternoon, for a short rest before off to Lesley’s for dinner,wine…and fun.Then back to Dot’s to sleep in….a bed ! Goodnight

…………and a Happy New Year, 2011…….…to everyone –wonder what the year will bring..?

A delayed start to the year for my writing the blog,and a BIG THANKS to Wayne my son-in-law…for sorting it all out for me!